Search Results: taoist sexual meditation
Blog Posts
Writing Meditation: Exercise from A Buddhist Journal
A mindfulness practice can take many shapes, from spending a day in nature to
Celebrities Who Meditate
Over 20 million adults in the US meditate. Meditation has been a focus of scientific
The Second Chakra: Sexuality and the Feminist Philosophy of Nondualism
Talking about evil is difficult, Matthew Fox says, because our language about evil needs to evolve to
A Simple Practice for Self-Realization
Meditation isn’t always sitting down, cross-legged, and clearing your mind of all thoughts. It could
MeToo: Trials and Tribulations
Written by journalist and Jezebel staff writer Kylie Cheung, Survivor Injustice exposes the connections between domestic abuse and
New Release: Awakening through the Nine Bodies
About the Book Based on meditation practices Phillip Moffitt learned twenty years ago from Himalayan