Marcella Friel
Marcella Friel is a natural foods chef and mindful eating mentor who helps health-conscious women love and forgive themselves, their food, and their figure. Friel’s writing can be found in Elephant Journal, The Tapping Solution Blog, and elsewhere. Her online courses, “Lose Emotional & Physical Weight with Tapping” and “21 Tapping Meditations for Emotional Eating and Beyond,” are top-forty best sellers on DailyOM. Known for her playful humor, laser-like insight, and deep kindness, Friel’s ability to guide women through their healing process comes directly from her three decades of Buddhist meditation practice, twenty-plus years of 12-Step recovery, and nearly ten years as a client and practitioner of Tapping (also called EFT). Friel is certified in EFT through Tapping the Matrix Academy in Santa Rosa, California.