Sherry Shone
Sherry Shone, aka That Hoodoo Lady, is a Black, Lesbian Hoodoo worker with years of experience helping clients receive deliverance using Hoodoo rituals, products, readings, clearings, and classes. She has presented her knowledge of Hoodoo in podcasts, classes, and events in Colorado, Kansas, Texas, North Dakota, California, New York and now from her home in Oregon. Shone’s self-published Hoodoo Guide to the Bible has been sold to the curious hoodoo population in the United States, Italy, India, and Great Britain. Shone is also a leader in the tarot community: she co-led the largest tarot meetup organization (The Denver Tarot Meetup), was a facilitator and presenter at the Denver TarotCon, and has been a presenter and reader at fairs and conventions over 15 years.