Daniele Bolelli, author of On the Warrior’s Path, Wins First MMA Competition
Categories: Martial Arts
Daniele Bolelli, author of On the Warrior’s Path, fought and won his first pro MMA fight last month. “Fratellanza Marziale (Martial Brotherhood)” took place on December 14th in Milan, Italy. Bolelli won by TKO at 2:45 in the first round—he normally favors grappling and submission techniques, but his opponent’s excellent defence forced him to rely on striking to finish the fight. Although his first fight was a success, Bolelli does not anticipate a lengthy pro career:
“I just turned 35, so I don’t exactly foresee a long pro career ahead of me, but I’m glad I got to fight at least once professionally. Maybe, I’ll fight again a couple more times, but I’m not sure yet. After all, real pros train all day, and they eat and breathe fighting whereas I’m a nerdy college professor who spends as much time among books as I do on the mat… In any case, it was a great experience that forced me to face my fears and taught me much about myself. I have a very mellow, relaxed, Yin nature, so it was really challenging for me to step up in the very Yang world of MMA competition, but I guess that was the point: to become more well-rounded as a person. Walking away with a win was just an added bonus.”
In related news, Bolelli was interviewed on CFRO 102.7 FM (Vancouver, B.C.’s Co-op Radio). Bolelli speaks on many topics addressed in On the Warrior’s Path, a fascinating book that connects martial arts with a variety of topics, including the philosophy of Nietzsche, American Indian culture, and basketball.
Tags: Daniele Bolleli