North Atlantic Books

Power of a Wing Chun Punch

Wing Chun Compendium V.2

Wing Chun is a form of martial arts designed to defeat larger and stronger opponents. Centuries ago, a Buddhist nun and Shaolin master, Yim Wing Chun mastered this fighting style, and the art of Wing Chun was born (yes…from a woman!).

Wayne Belonoha has come out with a second volume of The Wing Chun Compendium for advanced students who have mastered the techniques from The Wing Chun Compendium, Volume 1. It includes distance and angle improvement drills, fighting strategy and training, instruction on proper body mechanics, and “Sticking Hands” techniques. The book goes further and touches on psychological factors in fighting arts and improving a fighter’s mental state. Whether you’re new to Wing Chun or have experience with it, Wayne Belonoha’s two volumes are excellent resources. Belonoha is a third generation direct descendant of Grand Master Ip Man, the only formal teacher of legendary Bruce Lee.

And there’s more! Martial Edge is giving away copies of The Wing Chun Compendium, Volume 1 and Volume 2, signed by author Wayne Belonoha, to the winners of their Martial Fiction contest. Contestants simply post a fictional story based on their school and art on the Martial Edge forum.

Still not sold on Wing Chun? Below is a really neat YouTube clip that was featured on The History Channel’s “Human Weapon,” demonstrating the physics behind the Wing Chun punch and just how it’s so forceful. Let us know what you think!

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