North Atlantic Books

We stand with Breeshia Wade

In the lead-up to the release of a film attacking antiracism efforts, NAB author Breeshia Wade, a Queer Black woman, has been targeted by an onslaught of online harassment, intimidation, and vitriol. We condemn misogynoir, anti-queer hate, online abuse, and the targeting of authors and creators. We also see this for what it is: an attempt to suppress Breeshia’s voice, discredit her work, and distract us all from engaging in the necessary work of racial justice and collective liberation.

As her publisher, North Atlantic Books stands with Breeshia. Her work is essential, it’s groundbreaking and above all, it heals. Breeshia embodies the word in its deepest etymology: her work helps make us whole. Attempts to project divisiveness and rancor onto Breeshia’s work—which is grounded in compassion, care, and her experience as a chaplain and end-of-life caregiver—will fail. And they won’t divert us from the work ahead.

Campaigns of online harassment and intimidation have key commonalities, whether they come about organically or through well-organized channels:

North Atlantic Books is committed to uplifting Breeshia and all writers and creators who work fiercely to dismantle systems of white supremacy, oppression, and inequity. We believe fully in the vision of care, healing, and radical tending that Breeshia puts forth in her book. And neither we nor Breeshia will allow intimidation tactics to divert our attention from where it belongs: as ever, on the work of building collective liberation and beloved community.

If you want to support or learn more about Breeshia’s work, please visit

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In solidarity,

North Atlantic Books

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