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The Second Chakra: Sexuality and the Feminist Philosophy of Nondualism
Talking about evil is difficult, Matthew Fox says, because our language about evil needs to evolve to
First Look: Sky Shamans of Mongolia
In his new book, Sky Shamans of Mongolia: Meetings with Remarkable Healers, Kevin Turner—a practicing shaman
The Morning Star: 9 Things You Didn’t Know about Venus
We’ve all heard the quote, “Men are from Mars; women are from Venus,” but how
Nirvana through Art & Writing, Part 2: Shakyo Calligraphy Exercise
When Buddhism first began in India, its adherents passed along its teachings orally. Eventually, scribes
3 Magical Women of the Forest Peoples
Since pre-Christian times in central Europe, the wise old woman, the sagae, as Tacitus calls
Good Sex: Sneak Peek
We’re thrilled to announce that this Tuesday, we’ll be releasing Jessica Graham’s Good Sex: Getting