After a Stroke

After a Stroke

A Support Book for Patients, Caregivers, Families and Friends

Author: Geoffrey Donnan, M.D., Carol Burton

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A stroke is a devasting occurence in the life of a family. After damage is assessed, the patient, family emembers, caregivers, doctors and friends collaborate on rehabilitation. It is important to understand what kind of stroke the patient suffered and what kinds of physical, neural and nutritional therapies can help to restore normal functioning.

This entry in North Atlantic’s Family Health Series is a guide to the causes and consequences of a stroke. It outlines a systematic plan to help restore normal living developed by healthcare professionals active in Australia stroke support groups. They are joinded by a Feldenkrais practitioner and a naturopathic physician who describe bodywork and nutritional approaches to complement conventional medicine.

After a Stroke will help you understand limitations, effects and recovery prognosis of different kinds of strokes; locate movement therapies and body work to stimulate and re-educate the brain and neural-limb coordination; organize a "health team" blending the best of current orthodox medicine with the bext of traditional, natural therapies; and chart daily patient progress with worksheets, charts and tables.

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