Cutting Remarks

Cutting Remarks

Insights and Recollections of a Surgeon

Author: Sidney M. Schwab MD

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"A surgeon can kill you…and you’ll sleep right through it."

The most dramatic—and seemingly glamorous—of medical fields, surgery captivates the public’s imagination. Written for inquisitive laymen as well as anyone in the medical profession, this fascinating first-person account documents the career of one of America’s top surgeons. Readers accompany Sidney Schwab through medical school at Case Western Reserve University; an internship; junior and senior residencies (with a detour to Vietnam, where he won a Purple Heart); and finally his chief residency years in San Francisco. With humor and poignancy—and sometimes graphic detail—Schwab recalls memorable surgeries, surgeons, and patients. He takes care to explain, in understandable and interesting fashion, a variety of diseases, medical issues, and surgical techniques. More than just a memoir, Cutting Remarks offers a compelling look at how trauma and surgery are handled at a major hospital, and provides valuable insight into a surgeon’s relationship with both peers and patients.

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