LifeFood Recipe Book

LifeFood Recipe Book

Living on Life Force

Author: Annie Padden Jubb, David Jubb

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Life force foods are those found wild in nature and served uncooked. A life force diet is vegetarian, and mainly vegan, congruent with the philosophy that good food choices promote a sustainable future on the planet. This book applies life food principles to daily life. The authors explain how the LifeFood diet can strengthen the mind and body, and show how to make lotions, tinctures, and potions with food. With illustrations throughout and over 150 easy to follow recipes to maximize health and well being, this book features such dishes as Aztec Quiche, Emerald Broccoli Soup, Spicy Ginger Tofu, and Pina Colada Cookies.

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ebook, paperback

Release Date: 2003-09-16
Paperback 9781556434594
Ebook 9781583945803

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