The Inner Reality

The Inner Reality

Jesus, Krishna, and the Way of Awakening

Author: Paul Brunton

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When actor Christopher Reeve was asked in a BBC interview which book he would want if stranded on a desert island, he replied, “The Inner Reality by the philosopher Paul Brunton.”

A provocative and compelling work, The Inner Reality is an essential guide for spiritual seekers. First published in the 1930s, this remarkable book interweaves the teachings of two great religious figures: Jesus and Krishna. Identifying a common current running through both Christianity and Hinduism, Paul Brunton argues that an “inner reality” or “kingdom of heaven” can be found within each of us. Defining religion as simply the practice of binding oneself with divinity, he encourages readers to embark on the quest for self-knowledge and spiritual communion through a commitment to the contemplative path. With his profound interpretations of the world’s sacred texts, from the Gospel of St. John to the Bhagavad Gita, Brunton bridges East and West to guide the reader into the living heart of these ancient traditions.

This new edition has been updated to incorporate the author’s final revisions and includes a foreword by the Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation.

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ebook, paperback

Release Date: 2016-04-05
Paperback 9781623170165
Ebook 9781623170172

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